Monday 29 December 2014

Awesome Wealthy Woman Says 'Forget Making Resolutions - Set Your Wealth Intentions Instead'

Just 3 more sleeps and we will be starting a brand new year!

Can you feel the excitement that’s building?

Are you feeling a swell of anticipation about what your 2015 will bring?

This is the time of year when many people set their New Year’s Resolutions.  You know, that ‘same old, same old’ list of things you think you should want to accomplish over the next 12 months …

…Lose the weight I put on over Christmas (and maybe a few more pounds as well)

…Quit smoking (I licked that one in 1997 and have been blissfully smoke-free ever since)

…Clear out the clutter in my …kitchen…spare room…closet…office…

While those are all worthy goals, statistics tell the sad story that most people will break their resolutions in the first 3 to 12 weeks of the new year, depending on how committed they were to the resolution in the first place.

I’d like you to stop writing that list of resolutions and focus instead on creating your ‘Wealth Intentions’ for 2015.

Not sure what I mean by Wealth Intentions?  Here are several for you to consider:

1)  I intend to create my personal and business (if that applies to you) Emergency Funds
     and make regular contributions to them from every pay cheque, or, monthly – it doesn’t
     matter what the frequency of contributions is so long as you make them!

2)  I intend to set up a pre-authorized deduction of at least 10% of my net pay into a TFSA
     (Tax Free 
Savings Account) or RRSP (Registered Retirement Savings Plan) – if you
     don’t already have one or 
both of these, get them set up as soon as possible in the new

3)  I intend to create a realistic debt repayment plan to eliminate my consumer debt as soon
     as possible – if you’re unsure how to do this, start by listing all your debts and the
     interest you are currently paying on your outstanding balances. There are many other
     things you can do in this category but this is your 
essential first step.

4)  I intend to expand my knowledge of money management by reading at least 1 related
     book, magazine or website every week – if you’re not a fast reader, make it every
     month…just do it!

By now, you can see where I am going with this.  Are you starting to get some other ideas for your Wealth Intentions?

Most importantly, phrase them in the present “I intend…”.  While ‘I am’ are the two most powerful words you can speak, “I intend” are almost as potent.

Then, ensure that you have worded your intention in a positive way (no negatives here, please).

BONUS for those who want to quit smoking (I used these when I quit in 1997):

“I intend to be smoke-free for the rest of my life” and “I intend to be free of cravings for cigarettes for the rest of my life”.

Remember, it takes anywhere from 3 weeks to almost a year to make a new habit your default behaviour so keep at it!

Repeat your intentions out loud every day…

Post them where you can see them throughout your day…

Take action on them!!

In addition to the usual good wishes for a healthy and happy New Year, I also wish you huge success with setting, implementing and reaping the rewards of your Wealth Intentions!

If you would like help in creating your Wealth Intentions and connecting with me feels right for you, please call me at 705.881.1846 or 1.844.881.1846 or email me at and I would be delighted to speak with you personally.

“Every decision you make takes you one step closer to being wealthy…or one step further away.” ~ Shay Olivarria

Monday 22 December 2014

"Twas 3 Nights Before Christmas"

Twas 3 nights before Christmas
and all through the house
came delicious smells
cooked up by my spouse.

The emails and cards
Were already sent
With heartfelt good wishes
and true sentiment.

When what to my wondering mind
Should occur
But the need for a blog
That good feelings could stir.

So now, my dear readers
As I wind down the year
These words do I offer
To bring you good cheer.

The love of your hearts
And the talents you share
Will make all the difference
And show how you care.

Keep striving and learning
Your wealth to increase
May your lives be enriched
and blessed without cease.

And now I must close
for the family is here.
Merry Christmas to all
And a Happy New Year!

Monday 15 December 2014

Awesome Wealthy Woman Asks, 'Are You Investing in Yourself?'

When most people think of wealth, they think of rich people who have advisers telling them how to invest their money in order to make more money.

That’s one kind of investing, but there is another kind which is even more important and that is, investing in yourself.

What do I mean by investing in yourself?

Are you continuing (or perhaps starting) to learn about money and how to make it grow?

What books have you read?

Seminars have you attended?

Audio programs have you listened to?

There is such an incredible array of information available to use, both online and offline.

When was the last time you visited your local library?  You may want to check out its ‘Business’ section and see how much is there for you to learn.

You don’t need to be a high-income earner or high-net worth individual to value good financial advice.

You don’t need to have a huge stock portfolio, or real estate holdings, or other valuable collection in order to start learning how to make the most of your money.

You just need to take some time and invest that in learning as much as you can about how to make your money grow.

Make up your mind that you are going to become well-versed in everything you can find that can teach you how to have your money make more money for you.

That investment of time, attention and energy in your own financial education will pay rich dividends if you master the lessons and implement them.

So … fire up the “Google machine” as a colleague of mine calls it or dust off your library card and get started on the investment in a sound financial education. 

Your potential gains are only limited by what you believe you can achieve!

If you would like a list of the books that I consider to be the “Essential Wealth Library”, please visit my website and check the ‘Resources’ tab.

If you would like more support and connecting with me feels right for you, please call me at 705.881.1846 or 1.844.881.1846 or email me at and I would be delighted to speak with you personally.

“An investment in knowledge pays the best interest.” ~ Benjamin Franklin

Monday 8 December 2014

Awesome Wealthy Woman Asks 'Is Your GPS Working?'

Everyone is familiar with the GPS (Global Positioning System) that comes with their vehicle or that they can buy to stick on their windshield.

It’s a handy device that can show you the way to get where you’re going when you don’t know the way.

Did you know that you have another GPS?

This one is your ‘Get Prosperity Sooner’ system and, for many of us, it doesn’t work all that well so we tend to ignore it completely – or worse – we don’t even turn it on.

Our childhood programming – from family, school, friends’ families, the media, etc. – all tell us that making money and being successful are HARD.

We are told that we have to get good grades in school so that we can get into a good college or university and pay lots of money to earn degrees that may or may not allow us to work in our chosen field when we graduate.

We are taught to expect to incur thousands of dollars of student loan debt in order to get that degree and that it will probably take most of our working lives to repay it.

We are told to expect to have to ‘pay your dues’ and ‘put in your time’ and put up with all manner of unpleasant work, colleagues, bosses and customers in order to collect our meagre pay.

And…we’re taught to believe that there is no other way…


I am here to tell you that there is absolutely another way to live your life and create the wealth that you desire and enjoy doing it!

Since the old ways have caused us to lose heart and turn off (or ignore) our Get Prosperity Sooner GPS, why not try turning it back on and see where it directs you?

What if you could take the knowledge and experience that you have gained and turn it into a book, or a workshop, or train and certify others to do what you’ve learned to do?

What if you could find a way to take the hobbies and passions and interests you have and share them with others who are looking for what you already know?

The old ‘Theory X’ management style in the old hierarchical workplaces is broken.  It’s been broken for a long time and the sooner you realize that the person in charge of your future is YOU, the happier and more in control you will feel.

Use your Get Prosperity Sooner GPS to find people with similar interests.

Look for potential Joint Venture partners or associates who serve the same type of clients that you want to serve but with a different product or service (perhaps something they would buy before, or after, they would buy yours).

Open your mind up to possibilities and keep asking “How can I…?” and “What would happen if…?” and “Who do I know that…?”

Remember, you are the CEO of YOU Inc. and your Get Prosperity Sooner GPS is your number one tool for creating the success and wealth you deserve.

If you need help calibrating your Get Prosperity Sooner GPS and connecting with me
feels right for you, please call me at 705.881.1846 or 1.844.881.1846 or email me at and I would be delighted to speak with you personally.

“The journey of 1,000 miles begins with a single step.” ~ Lao Tzu

Monday 1 December 2014

Awesome Wealthy Woman Looks at Family Values and Spending

It’s official … you now have less than 24 days to complete your Christmas holiday shopping.

Do you have a budget for this year or are you just going to dash out, buy everything you can think of for everyone on your list and hope you get to the end of your list before your credit cards are maxed out completely?

Have you taken a moment to really stop and think about why we exchange presents at this time of year?

My religious upbringing was in the Anglican church – singing in the choir and caroling with my friends from school.

When we heard the story of the birth of Jesus, we understood that the wise men brought gifts to honor the arrival of God’s son on Earth.  We give each other birthday presents, so this made perfect sense to me as a child.

The idea that we would receive gifts too, from our family members  - and from Santa – was exciting, and we used to spend hours poring through the holiday gift catalogues, carefully marking every item that we wanted.

We were also taken shopping so that we could buy gifts for our family and friends and it was always an important excursion, which usually included a special lunch.

I have fond memories of decorating the tree as a family and coming into the living room during my parents’ annual Christmas Eve gathering to call up the chimney to Santa the one gift we really, really wanted before being shooed up to bed.

There was magic and a sense of wonder about this important day in the year.

There was a general mood of happiness and anticipation.  Christmas dinner was planned and executed with the greatest attention to detail.  And each year, the time spent with family and friends became more important.

Nowadays, people seem to be running around, oblivious to the real reason for the celebration of Christmas.  Regardless of your religious background, or lack thereof, this time is meant to be a celebration of the ‘family of man’.

While it is lovely to receive a gift that was chosen for us with care from a relative, friend, co-worker or client, the best gifts are the sharing of ourselves – our time, our company, our stories, our laughter – and the creation of new memories of good times spent together.

Instead of spending, spending, spending (and perhaps overspending), why not start a new tradition this holiday season?

Why not make a charitable donation in the name, or memory, of a loved one?

Why not volunteer at a shelter, soup kitchen, or an organization that donates food, gifts and clothing to those who are less fortunate?

Why not make the spirit of giving of ourselves the focus this year?

Please take another look at your list and ensure that there is something on it for someone who would otherwise go without this year.  I guarantee it will make you feel wonderful!
If connecting with me feels right for you, please call me at 705.881.1846 or 1.844.881.1846 or email me at and I would be delighted to speak with you personally.

“Christmas, my child, is love in action. Every time we love, every time we give, it’s Christmas.” ~ Dale Evans

Monday 24 November 2014

Awesome Wealthy Woman Shows You How To Re-Define Abundance

Most of us think of abundance as “plenty” and that is certainly what we celebrate at Thanksgiving (whether in October in Canada or this week in the U.S.).

We think of the traditional Thanksgiving feast … the plump turkey, the steaming side dishes, the pumpkin pie and/or other seasonal desserts … and the gathering of family and friends.

The image of a cornucopia comes to mind – all the fresh vegetables, newly harvested and ready to be put up for the winter to come, spilling out of the ‘horn of plenty’.

And then there is the modern day fixation on “Black Friday” sales, and shopping, and dashing from store to store and grabbing the last one of [insert latest must-have craze here] and spending, spending, spending until the wallet’s empty and the credit cards are maxed out.

In the U.S., Thanksgiving is often considered by retailers to be bigger than Christmas, in terms of their sales.  They are grateful for the spending frenzy that happens but what about us?  What about our ability to step back and consider what our true abundance looks like?

When I was a child, time with my parents was a precious commodity.  They both worked and there was a brief period between their return home from work, eating dinner, finishing homework and my sister and I getting ready for bed where I could actually have some of their undivided attention.

When I was responsible for arranging a Christmas party for three departments which worked together, I suggested that – instead of the traditional ‘Secret Santa’ gift exchange – we each bring an unwrapped new toy or item that an adult would appreciate to put under the tree.

Our Santa happily received gifts of food, toys and clothing and put them under our tree, instead of handing out less-than-meaningful gifts to people who really didn’t care about them.

One of our staff was a single mother who was struggling to make ends meet and yet, even she came with something for Santa to put under the tree. Her generosity in a time of need in her own life touched us all.

There are many people who are struggling in their lives right now and their focus is firmly fixed on the struggle.

What would happen if they were able to shift their focus to what they do have, instead of what is lacking?

What would happen if you chose to look at the incredible abundance which surrounds you and truly feel gratitude for the time, attention, sharing, compassion and love that is there for you?

This year, be abundant in sharing yourself and enjoy the gifts of the sharing that others will offer to you.

A family friend always wishes us, “Have a blessed day” when we part company.

Now, and always, I wish you a blessed day – every day – and a life filled with true abundance.

If you are struggling with seeing abundance in your life, I am here to help you.

If connecting with me for assistance feels right for you, please call me at 705.881.1846 or 1.844.881.1846 or email me at and I would be delighted to speak with you personally.

“Concerning abundance, one of the most effective ways to increase that pulling power from intention to you is to take the focus off dollars and place it on creating abundant friendship, security, happiness, health, and high energy.” ~ Dr. Wayne Dyer

Monday 17 November 2014

Awesome Wealthy Woman Answers, 'Can I Have Money And Still Be Spiritual?'

You may not know this about me, but I am (among other things) a classical Feng Shui consultant.  Feng Shui is the ancient Chinese art and science of analyzing the energies in a home, workplace or commercial space and their impact on those who live or work there.  When the energies are out of balance, changes are recommended to create the necessary balance and harmony.

When I opened my business in 2007, I very quickly gained a clientele among holistic practitioners, helping them to set up their treatment rooms and clinic spaces for healing and prosperity.

One of the things I noticed was that those in the healing professions often undercharged for their services, or gave them away for free.  They had a very deeply-rooted belief that you shouldn’t make money from doing healing work, or at least, not a lot of money.

This is, of course, completely untrue.  Each of us is gifted with certain talents and abilities and we received them for a reason – to be of service to others.

You wouldn’t expect to see a lawyer and not pay for their services.  So why should those whose work involves healing not expect to be paid as well? 

There is no such thing as a “one-sided equation”.  Each party must contribute something to the transaction.  One person provides the service and the other provides payment in exchange for the benefits they have received.

There is a spiritual conflict that many holistic practitioners (and others) wrestle with and I would like to address the whole issue of spirituality and money.

Money is energy.  In and of itself it is neither good nor bad…it just is.

Spirit is our higher self expressed through our human experience and while money is not a requirement for living in the realm of spirit, it most certainly is required to purchase food, clothing, a roof over our heads and all that is necessary to preserve and improve our lives and the lives of those we care about.

In the Bible, God blessed Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden with plenty…everywhere they turned there was abundance – it was their natural environment.

Just as a fish doesn’t question the water it swims in, or wonder if there is enough water, or if it is using too much water, we shouldn’t be concerned about the abundance that is our birthright.

When you use your spiritual and personal gifts and talents in the service of others, and receive fair payment in exchange, you increase your financial resources.  More money means you have more to use in support of those causes you care about.

In other words, the more you earn, the more you can share with others.

Money is not only energy, it is creative energy.  How much more could you create with additional money at your disposal?

When you think about it in this way, isn’t it our responsibility to be successful financially?

Why not try thinking about money as a tangible expression of how much service you are giving to others?

The more service you provide, the more your bank balance improves.  The more financial resources you have, the more you can do in the service of others.

Instead of seeing a “catch-22”, see it as an elegant expression of infinity.

Can you have money and still be spiritual?  My answer is a resounding ‘YES!’

If you are struggling with money issues, and especially becoming comfortable with receiving and having more money, I am here to help you.

If connecting with me for assistance in shifting your beliefs about money feels right for you, please call me at 705.881.1846 or 1.844.881.1846 or email me at and I would be delighted to speak with you personally.

“My bounty is as boundless as the sea, my love as deep; the more I give to thee the more I have, for both are infinite.” ~ Juliet, Romeo and Juliet, William Shakespeare

Monday 10 November 2014

Awesome Wealthy Woman Asks 'Can Your Money Hear You?'

Do you remember being told as a child, “Don’t speak until you’re spoken to”?

Or maybe, “Children should be seen and not heard”.

Either way, we were taught to believe that what we had to say wasn’t important.

That’s a tough mindset to overcome when we become adults – especially as women. 

We often sublimate our thoughts and feelings, particularly about money and money-related issues.  We believe (mistakenly) that keeping our thoughts to ourselves will allow us to stay on an even keel – not “rock the boat” – and that things will somehow turn out okay.

There are a number of problems with adopting this approach and the one I want to address today is that of not claiming what is ours.

When we give up responsibility for and control of our money, we disempower ourselves.

Maybe you tell yourself that “money is hard” or “I was never good at math” or “I’ll just let my husband take care of everything for me”.

The first statement is not true, if you learn the basics about how to manage money effectively.

The second statement may or may not be true and yet it is a common limiting belief amongst women.

The third statement is nothing more nor less than abdication of your responsibility for your financial knowledge and direction.

You may not have enjoyed sitting through math class.  I forced myself to take math in high school, even after it became an ‘option’ as opposed to a required course, simply to give myself the discipline to work with the numbers and understand what was going on.

The real issue here, as I have talked about many times, is your relationship with your money.

What is money hearing from you?

If you tell it, “You’re hard” or “I’m not good at being with you” or “I’m going to send you away to someone else to take care of”, what do you think your money is hearing?

It’s hearing – GO AWAY!!! 

It’s hearing – I’m afraid of you, I can’t cope with you, I don’t know what to do with you…

And you know what?  It does exactly what you tell it to do – it goes away.

So, how can you be surprised when you look up and say, “I don’t have any money”?  when you’re the one who sent it away?

Starting today, I want you to really begin to treat your money as if it was another human being.

Make it feel welcome.  Celebrate its arrival.  Invite it to come and spend more time with you.  Treat your money as if it were an honored guest in your life.

Be certain that what money hears from you is, “I’m happy you’re here with me” and “I’m so excited about the wonderful things we can do together” and “I’m so grateful to be able to share you with others”.

Changing the way you think about money and your relationship with it can be a struggle at first and there are many tools and strategies available to  support you in making this vital change.

If connecting with me for assistance in shifting your money relationship (and conversation) feels right for you, please call me at 705.881.1846 or 1.844.881.1846 or email me at and I would be delighted to speak with you personally.

“Feeling gratitude and not expressing it is like wrapping a present and not giving it.” ~ William Arthur Ward

Monday 3 November 2014

Awesome Wealthy Woman Says “Fall In Love With Your Money”

There is a question I often ask when I am speaking to a group of people:

“If money were your lover…would you still be having sex?”

The responses to this question – physical and verbal – offer an enormous insight into what is happening in the person’s financial life.

The responses have ranged from a somewhat joking, “No…I’ve got a headache” to the extreme reaction of a client who, when I posed the question, immediately went into a defensive posture.

Their shoulders shot up under their ears…their arms were crossed tightly across their chest and their brow was deeply furrowed.

“Oh no…” the voice was constrained and I could hear the pain in their words.

This was the most dramatic demonstration of the kind of dysfunctional relationship many people have with their money.

When I probed more deeply into this person’s money history, they confessed to feeling fear about money and wanting to run away from it.  They didn’t want to have anything to do with it.

I then posed the question, “If money was a person, and you treated them the way you have just reacted, do you think they would want to stay and spend time with you?”

“No…I guess not”, was the quiet answer.

Whether you realize it or not, you have a relationship with your money and, if you don’t have enough of it in your life, there’s a very good chance that you have created a dysfunctional relationship with it.

So I ask my clients what their relationship with money is like…

….do they cross the street and hurry to get away from it?
…do they have a nodding acquaintance with it?
…are they happy to see it?
…are they actively welcoming and inviting more money into their lives?

What about you? 

What is your relationship with your money?

Today, I challenge you to look within – with open eyes, mind and heart – and see what the truth of your relationship with money truly is.

Are you uncomfortable just thinking about it? 

Where in your body do you feel this discomfort?

What if you allowed yourself to have a different kind of relationship with money? 

One that didn’t entail struggle or hardship?  One that didn’t mean you had to put off doing what you really feel called to do in favor of getting a regular pay cheque every two weeks?

What if you could change your relationship to that of a partnership?

What if you and money could be co-creators of the life you really want to live?

How would things be different for you if you started living from that belief?

You have the power to change this extremely important relationship from one of disconnect to one of joy, excitement, purpose and abundance.

For the next  week, try thinking of your money in this new way.  Be grateful for every bit of money that you receive – no matter how small – and celebrate its arrival in your life!

I urge my clients to keep a Money Calendar so they can record everything that comes to them.

If you would like a copy of the Money Calendar that I use, please email me at with your name and email address and write “Money Calendar” in the subject line.

If connecting with me for assistance in shifting your money relationship feels right for you, please call me at 705.881.1846 or 1.844.881.1846 or email me at and I would be delighted to speak with you personally.

“Be thankful for what you have, you’ll end up having more. If you concentrate on what you don’t have, you’ll never have enough.” ~ Oprah Winfrey

Monday 27 October 2014

Awesome Wealthy Woman Hears “I Overspend Because I’m Lonely”

You may not want to hear this – it’s just 58 days until Christmas!

Have you started your shopping yet? 

Do you know how much you are going to spend this year? (and do you know how much you spent last year?)

Too often, come January, I hear people moaning and complaining about how much money they spent on gifts, decorations, new wardrobe and entertaining over the holidays.

One of the discoveries they usually make is that at least some of their spending was on themselves and was intended to make them feel better about what can be a difficult time of year.

Perhaps your children have all grown up enough to be out on their own…and they’ve just told you that they won’t be coming home for Christmas this year.

Perhaps you’ve lost a loved one recently and you are dreading facing this first holiday season without them.

The failure of a marriage, or the difficulties of successfully blending two families can also contribute to the emotional challenges of this time of year.

When we get overly emotional, we can sometimes attempt to fill the ‘void’ with retail therapy and, while it may help to lift the mood in the short term, it can often add to the unhappiness we are feeling.

If you are tempted to overspend this holiday season, here are some suggestions:

1)  Set a budget for each type of spending (gifts, decorations, food, clothing, travel, etc.)
2)  Set a budget for spending on yourself
3)  Shop with a list
4)  Keep an eye on your local paper for holiday-themed events that are no-cost / low-cost
     to keep you 
occupied (and out of the stores)
5)  Look for opportunities to volunteer over the holiday season and discover the joy of giving
     of yourself, 
your time and your caring

Finally, if you are coping with loss or separation this year, set aside some time to remember those you won’t be spending time with and allow yourself to feel the gratitude for all that you shared together.

Then, think about a new tradition you would like to start for the holidays and make this a season of new beginnings.

Are you struggling with how to manage the holidays this year (financially and emotionally)?  Learning new strategies and coping skills can help you rekindle the joy and start the new year with renewed enthusiasm.

If connecting with me for assistance feels right for you, please call me at 705.881.1846 or 1.844.881.1846 or email me at and I would be delighted to speak with you personally.

"I don't need a holiday or a feast to feel grateful for my children, the sun, the moon, the roof over my head, music, and laughter, but I like to take this time to take the path of thanks less traveled." ~ Paula Poundstone

Monday 20 October 2014

Awesome Wealthy Woman Asks “Do You Measure Your Success With Money?”

Many years ago, I was between jobs and answered an ad for what was, essentially, a direct sales position.

After completing an extensive testing session, I was finally admitted to the office of the man who was to interview me for the job.

He flipped through the pages of the test, asking me all sorts of questions - which gave me more of an insight into the way he and his company functioned (not so much interested in personal integrity) than perhaps he gleaned from my answers.

Finally, he paused and looked at me with a furrowed brow and said, “You’ve rated yourself as a success on this question…but you’re not working…how can you call yourself a success?”

I was stunned.

Was his sole definition of success the amount of money someone earned?

What about the contributions I had made to past employers and clients?

What about the community work I had been involved in?

What about the continuing education courses I had pursued?

Did these have no value?

I knew right then that this was NOT the job, nor the company, for me and I left.  I was not prepared to compromise my personal integrity and I knew that my decision was absolutely the right one.  I wasted no time moving on in my job search.

Over the years, I have met many people who define themselves – and their success - solely by the amount of money that they earn.  They are often unhappy with that amount and don’t see how they can change it (if they are working for someone else).

This usually leads to a discussion about the difference between worth and value.

From the moment you are born into this world, you are intrinsically worthy.  You don’t have to “do” anything to be worthy.  

Value is what we offer through the goods and services that we provide, whether to an employer (as one of their employees) or our clients, if we are business owners.

Although you may not receive multiple 6-figures for the value that you contribute, that doesn’t mean that you’re not worthy and it certainly doesn’t mean that you’re not successful.

Money is only one measure of the contribution that we make in the world and our belief about what it says about us is purely subjective.

If you want to understand what truly reflects your level of success in life, ask the people you know how what you do contributes to their lives and the lives of others.

Do you help them accomplish a goal?

Do you help them alleviate pain (emotional, physical and/or spiritual)?

Do you do something which they can’t do for themselves?

Do you help them to grow?

Do you help them to feel better about themselves?

Money is an important factor, but it is not the only indicator of your success. 

The truth is, when you do work and provide service that is in alignment with the highest good for your clients or customers, co-workers and colleagues and yourself, you are a success.

If you want to increase the amount of money you receive, increase the value you deliver first…and the money will follow.

Are you interested in learning more about the difference between worth and value and how these two are manifesting in your life?

If connecting with me for assistance feels right for you, please call me at 705.881.1846 or 1.844.881.1846 or email me at and I would be delighted to speak with you personally.

“Yesterday I was clever.  I wanted to change the world.  Today I am wise.  I am changing myself.” ~ Rumi

Monday 13 October 2014

Awesome Wealthy Woman Recommends the Power of Gratitude

Today is Thanksgiving Day in Canada and I have so much to be grateful for this year.

2014 has rocked my family with health issues ranging from congestive heart failure to breast cancer to Type 2 Diabetes and a misdiagnosis of kidney cancer for me.

Thankfully, we are all still here and recovering from our individual health challenges.

Today, I am grateful for good health.

When life throws you hard balls that knock you flat, it can drain your emotions, your energy, your finances and your will to carry on.

My rock and foundation are the faith I have in my God and His never-wavering care for and protection of me.

No matter how dark things may seem, how hard the challenge, how ill-equipped I might feel to deal with what I’m facing, I return again and again to my favourite Bible verse:

            “For I know the plans I have for you”, declares the Lord,
            “plans to prosper you and not 
to harm you, plans to give
             you hope and a future.” ~ Jeremiah 29:11

Today, I am grateful for my faith.

This year, there have been amazing opportunities to share transformation with clients, colleagues and the many new people who have discovered Awesome Wealthy Woman. 

In January, I presented my first ever 1-day live event, “Awaken the Awesome Wealthy Woman Within” and attracted 23 awesome women who shared the day with me.  A second event in mid-May allowed me to expand my reach and introduce new content to those who attended.

On November 8th, I will run this event for the third and final time in 2014.  There is so much more to share and I am excited to have yet another chance to be the catalyst for transformation.

Today, I am grateful for the opportunity to share with and serve my growing community.

As those of you who read last week’s blog know, my husband and I celebrated our 9th wedding anniversary last Wednesday.  It took a very, very long time to find the perfect partner – and we are partners on ‘Team Smith’ – and we are looking forward to growing old together and making our particular dreams come true.

Today, I am grateful for my beloved husband and our love, which deepens daily.

Abundance and prosperity – and, therefore, wealth – are inextricably tied to the gratitude you feel for everything you already have in your life.

Despite the challenges you may be facing in this moment, there are always things for which you can be grateful.

Many years ago, when I was writing in my Gratitude Journal one evening, I got a phone call from a friend.  When I said I was writing in my Gratitude Journal, she made a derisive sound and said, “Well, I’VE got nothing to be grateful for!”

“Really?!?”, I asked.

“Are you driving your car?” – “Yes”

“Are you breathing?” – “Yes”

“Have you eaten today?” – “Yes”

“Do you have a home to go to tonight?” – “Yes”

“Are you going to work tomorrow?” – “Yes – OK, I get it! I guess I do have a lot to be grateful for.”

Today, I am grateful for all the gifts and blessings in my life – including you!

“Piglet noticed that even though he had a Very Small Heart, it could hold a rather large amount of Gratitude.”  ~ A.A. Milne

Wednesday 8 October 2014

Awesome Wealthy Woman is Celebrating Love (and 9 Years of Marriage)

One of the things that those who are suffering a lack of financial resources often forget is that wealth is about more than just money and the balance in your bank account.

Wealth includes your health and relationships – with yourself, your family, friends, colleagues, clients and especially with your husband/wife/partner.

Even the strongest and most capable person needs the support and encouragement of a loved one…someone who believes in them and helps to lift them up when life presents challenges.

I am blessed to have such a husband in my life and it was 9 years ago today that I had the honour of becoming his bride and equal partner on “Team Smith”, as we like to call ourselves.

We’ve set and met many goals together over our 13 years together – some financial and some in other areas – and I cannot stress enough how important it has been to be working together and sharing the journey with love, humour and mutual respect.

There will always be ebb and flow in our lives - and in our financial situations - and it is essential to have someone who can pick up the slack when you need it and for you to be able to do the same for them.

So today, I offer my gratitude and undying love to my wonderful husband and look forward to sharing many more awesome years together.

Happy Anniversary, my love!

“We make a living by what we get, but we make a life by what we give.” ~ Winston Churchill

Monday 29 September 2014

Awesome Wealthy Woman says, “Money Is Energy”

What’s the first thing that you remember your family telling you about money?

Many small children, after excitedly picking up a nickel or a quarter from the ground, were faced by an angry parent yelling at them to “put that down…it’s dirty…you don’t know where it’s been!”

We started hearing about “filthy lucre” … that money was the root of all evil (actually a misquote – “the love of money is the root of all evil” is the correct quote) … and that rich people take advantage of others – cheat, lie and and demean those without money.

How many of us asked for things we wanted and were told, “No!” … “We can’t afford it” … “Do you think money grows on trees?“ … You don’t deserve…”?

From a very young age, we began to associate negative emotions with money – uncertainty, confusion, anger, guilt etc.

So what is money, really?

Money is a tool we use to represent value when we exchange goods and services.

And … money is energy.

Each of us is an energetic being – our brains communicate with our bodies via electromagnetic impulses.  Everything around us has an energetic frequency, and that includes money.

When you vibrate at the same frequency as “lack”, you attract more lack.

When you are fearful about what is going to happen, you attract more experiences which make you fearful.

When you doubt your ability to have more money, you encounter obstacles to having more money.

When you understand that money vibrates at the same frequencies as gratitude and love, and you raise your personal vibration to those frequencies, you will find that money begins to flow more easily into your life.

If you’ve experienced being “in the flow” – when everything seems to unfold with ease, and you’re happy and excited about what you are doing – you will understand the principle behind the flow of money towards the gratitude and love you are feeling.

No matter what your current money situation is, take a few minutes now to sit quietly, close your eyes and breathe deeply.

Imagine that every breath you take in brings new vitality and abundance into your being and that every breath you exhale is removing old, stale beliefs which keep you stuck in “not enough”.

Breathe in abundance and exhale lack.

Feel your body relax as you keep breathing in and then releasing what no longer serves you.

Imagine what it would feel like to have every financial need met in advance. 

How happy and grateful would you feel?  How much more relaxed?  How much more energy would you have to share with your family, friends and in doing things you really enjoy?

Really experience the feeling of having “more than enough” – feel how your body reacts to this new reality you are projecting.

Remember what this feels like, in every part of your being, and keep breathing in your abundance and releasing what you no longer need.

When you are ready, open your eyes and notice how you feel as you come back to whatever your reality is right now.

Congratulations! … you have just taken your first step to manifesting more.

Remember the feelings you experienced and, every time you start slipping back into the energy of “not enough” … stop … close your eyes and breathe and get back into the energy of “more than enough”.

Each time you do this, you are overriding the old beliefs you have held and writing the new neural pathway that will help you manifest the money you desire.

Stay in the energy of gratitude and love as much as possible and you will begin to attract to you many more things, including money, for which to be grateful.

Making a change like this can feel uncomfortable at first and it takes practice and support in order to become your new way of being.

If connecting with me for assistance feels right for you, please call me at 705.881.1846 or 1.844.881.1846 or email me at and I would be delighted to speak with you personally.

Your present circumstances don't determine where you can go; they merely determine where you start.

~ Nido Qubein

Monday 22 September 2014

Awesome Wealthy Woman says, “Expectation Determines Your Money Outcome”

How did you make out with taming your Money Gremlin?

If you missed last week’s blog, you may wish to read it and follow the four steps first and then come back to this post.

I asked you to take a close look at some things that may not be comfortable for you to come face-to-face with and I applaud you for being courageous enough to at least start examining where that Money Gremlin that’s been haunting you came from.

One of the most important things in changing your financial outlook is to acknowledge what you’ve messed up – without getting into blame or excuses – and commit to doing things differently.

When you make that commitment to yourself, and anyone else your financial life is interconnected with, you take back your power and control.

There is no more “they” looking over your shoulder and passing judgment on how you’re doing things.

There are no more furtive glances behind you (or sticking your head in the sand) and waiting for the next bombshell.

It’s only you and your belief that you can make a positive change in your circumstances, because you’ve taken responsibility for creating a different outcome.

How much freer does that make you feel?

It’s natural for us to focus on what we expect is going to happen…to dwell on it…to expand on all the possible ways something can go wrong.

It’s kind of like when you were a child and had a loose tooth – your tongue would always seek it out and give it a little wiggle, just to check on it.

Your whole focus, then, dwindles down to what you are expecting to happen – and if it’s a negative outcome, you are only amplifying it by focusing all your attention on it.

STOP dwelling on your mistakes, on not having “enough” and beating yourself up.  None of that will improve your finances one bit.

Instead, shift your focus, attention and expectation to a successful resolution to your situation.  Open your mind to the possibilities that you might not have been able to see because you were so focused on the negative.

No matter how constrained your financial circumstances may be, you can still commit to setting aside $1.00 each week, that is to be safely invested for your future. 

I know that this is true because I’ve taught groups of people who were on government assistance and received a very small amount of money to live on each month.  Every one of them agreed that they could (and would) find $1.00 a week to set aside for themselves.

They understood that, even though $52.00 a year might not seem like much to someone else, it was the first rung on the ladder out of their current circumstances and they came to believe that they were worth it.

So are you!

Shift your expectation to being successful in handling your money. 

Actively look for ways to use your money more wisely and seek out others who have travelled the same road you’re on and have come out the other side with a much sounder, and growing, financial foundation.

When you expect the best, you will find that information, resources and people will suddenly appear to help you achieve that expectation.

I am one of those people and I’d be honoured to help you get things back on track and moving in the right direction.

If connecting with me feels right for you, please call me at 705.881.1846 or 1.844.881.1846 or email me at

"Money is only a tool. It will take you wherever you wish but it will not replace you as the driver." ~ Ayn Rand

Monday 15 September 2014

Taming Your Money Gremlin

There’s a nasty little voice that speaks horrible things to you practically every minute of every day.

Those of us who are coaches refer to it as the “gremlin”.

It is not you and yet it holds great power over you because of its constant and unrelenting negative bashing of you, what you do, how you feel and how you think others perceive you.

That gremlin is bad enough, but did you know that it has an evil twin?

That’s right, your Money Gremlin is the one that causes you to lose sleep because you can’t pay the bills in full and on time (“You’re no good” … “You’re such a fraud – if people only knew the truth about you”).

It’s the one that preys upon your weakness for a particular thing (shoes, mani/pedis, expensive meals, etc.) and, once you’ve succumbed and pulled out the credit card to buy
yet another of whatever it is, it’s the one that blasts you for your foolishness.

Pretty nasty stuff … and, it’s abusive. 

That’s right, I said abusive.

We treat ourselves so viciously when it comes to our money faux pas – more so than any disapproving human being.

We then punish ourselves, swear to do better next time and dread the arrival of the next service or credit card bill because we know the funds aren’t there to pay it/them.


Here’s how to win your freedom from your Money Gremlin and to restore peace to your mind, soul and bank account:

First, identify whose voice the Money Gremlin is using – yours? a parent or grandparent? your boss?  your spouse?

Second, ask yourself why you have continued in the same negative money pattern to this point? (You are getting something out of torturing yourself with this vicious circle of events – what is the payoff for you?)

Third, imagine what it would feel like to have more than enough in your account to pay any bill you receive – in full, on time.  Would you feel grateful? Relaxed? Confident?

Fourth, make the commitment to yourself, TODAY, that you are going to clean up your act when it comes to your money. 

I want you to take a piece of paper and pen (don’t use your computer – you need to physically write this down) and write out the following commitment statement:

I, <insert your name here>, do solemnly swear to myself that I begin my new money life today.
I will ask questions to learn what I do not know and get help from those who know how to set me on the path to financial security, freedom and independence.

I will set aside the first 10% of every bit of money that I receive, to be invested to create passive income for me.

Every day, I will:

receive money with gratitudE
spend money with wisdom and
share money with love

I AM an Awesome Wealthy Woman!

Now, date and sign your commitment and post it where you can see it every day.


Remember that change is a process which unfolds over time.  

Please call or email me if you would like help in getting started.

705.881.1846  or  1.844.881.1846

"Remember, we are the masters and money is the servant - it's never the other way around. What you fear the most in life, owns you, controls you, and limits you." ~ John Svalina, Author of Set For Life: Financial Peace of Mind Made Easy