Monday 8 December 2014

Awesome Wealthy Woman Asks 'Is Your GPS Working?'

Everyone is familiar with the GPS (Global Positioning System) that comes with their vehicle or that they can buy to stick on their windshield.

It’s a handy device that can show you the way to get where you’re going when you don’t know the way.

Did you know that you have another GPS?

This one is your ‘Get Prosperity Sooner’ system and, for many of us, it doesn’t work all that well so we tend to ignore it completely – or worse – we don’t even turn it on.

Our childhood programming – from family, school, friends’ families, the media, etc. – all tell us that making money and being successful are HARD.

We are told that we have to get good grades in school so that we can get into a good college or university and pay lots of money to earn degrees that may or may not allow us to work in our chosen field when we graduate.

We are taught to expect to incur thousands of dollars of student loan debt in order to get that degree and that it will probably take most of our working lives to repay it.

We are told to expect to have to ‘pay your dues’ and ‘put in your time’ and put up with all manner of unpleasant work, colleagues, bosses and customers in order to collect our meagre pay.

And…we’re taught to believe that there is no other way…


I am here to tell you that there is absolutely another way to live your life and create the wealth that you desire and enjoy doing it!

Since the old ways have caused us to lose heart and turn off (or ignore) our Get Prosperity Sooner GPS, why not try turning it back on and see where it directs you?

What if you could take the knowledge and experience that you have gained and turn it into a book, or a workshop, or train and certify others to do what you’ve learned to do?

What if you could find a way to take the hobbies and passions and interests you have and share them with others who are looking for what you already know?

The old ‘Theory X’ management style in the old hierarchical workplaces is broken.  It’s been broken for a long time and the sooner you realize that the person in charge of your future is YOU, the happier and more in control you will feel.

Use your Get Prosperity Sooner GPS to find people with similar interests.

Look for potential Joint Venture partners or associates who serve the same type of clients that you want to serve but with a different product or service (perhaps something they would buy before, or after, they would buy yours).

Open your mind up to possibilities and keep asking “How can I…?” and “What would happen if…?” and “Who do I know that…?”

Remember, you are the CEO of YOU Inc. and your Get Prosperity Sooner GPS is your number one tool for creating the success and wealth you deserve.

If you need help calibrating your Get Prosperity Sooner GPS and connecting with me
feels right for you, please call me at 705.881.1846 or 1.844.881.1846 or email me at and I would be delighted to speak with you personally.

“The journey of 1,000 miles begins with a single step.” ~ Lao Tzu

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