Monday 1 December 2014

Awesome Wealthy Woman Looks at Family Values and Spending

It’s official … you now have less than 24 days to complete your Christmas holiday shopping.

Do you have a budget for this year or are you just going to dash out, buy everything you can think of for everyone on your list and hope you get to the end of your list before your credit cards are maxed out completely?

Have you taken a moment to really stop and think about why we exchange presents at this time of year?

My religious upbringing was in the Anglican church – singing in the choir and caroling with my friends from school.

When we heard the story of the birth of Jesus, we understood that the wise men brought gifts to honor the arrival of God’s son on Earth.  We give each other birthday presents, so this made perfect sense to me as a child.

The idea that we would receive gifts too, from our family members  - and from Santa – was exciting, and we used to spend hours poring through the holiday gift catalogues, carefully marking every item that we wanted.

We were also taken shopping so that we could buy gifts for our family and friends and it was always an important excursion, which usually included a special lunch.

I have fond memories of decorating the tree as a family and coming into the living room during my parents’ annual Christmas Eve gathering to call up the chimney to Santa the one gift we really, really wanted before being shooed up to bed.

There was magic and a sense of wonder about this important day in the year.

There was a general mood of happiness and anticipation.  Christmas dinner was planned and executed with the greatest attention to detail.  And each year, the time spent with family and friends became more important.

Nowadays, people seem to be running around, oblivious to the real reason for the celebration of Christmas.  Regardless of your religious background, or lack thereof, this time is meant to be a celebration of the ‘family of man’.

While it is lovely to receive a gift that was chosen for us with care from a relative, friend, co-worker or client, the best gifts are the sharing of ourselves – our time, our company, our stories, our laughter – and the creation of new memories of good times spent together.

Instead of spending, spending, spending (and perhaps overspending), why not start a new tradition this holiday season?

Why not make a charitable donation in the name, or memory, of a loved one?

Why not volunteer at a shelter, soup kitchen, or an organization that donates food, gifts and clothing to those who are less fortunate?

Why not make the spirit of giving of ourselves the focus this year?

Please take another look at your list and ensure that there is something on it for someone who would otherwise go without this year.  I guarantee it will make you feel wonderful!
If connecting with me feels right for you, please call me at 705.881.1846 or 1.844.881.1846 or email me at and I would be delighted to speak with you personally.

“Christmas, my child, is love in action. Every time we love, every time we give, it’s Christmas.” ~ Dale Evans

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