Monday 27 October 2014

Awesome Wealthy Woman Hears “I Overspend Because I’m Lonely”

You may not want to hear this – it’s just 58 days until Christmas!

Have you started your shopping yet? 

Do you know how much you are going to spend this year? (and do you know how much you spent last year?)

Too often, come January, I hear people moaning and complaining about how much money they spent on gifts, decorations, new wardrobe and entertaining over the holidays.

One of the discoveries they usually make is that at least some of their spending was on themselves and was intended to make them feel better about what can be a difficult time of year.

Perhaps your children have all grown up enough to be out on their own…and they’ve just told you that they won’t be coming home for Christmas this year.

Perhaps you’ve lost a loved one recently and you are dreading facing this first holiday season without them.

The failure of a marriage, or the difficulties of successfully blending two families can also contribute to the emotional challenges of this time of year.

When we get overly emotional, we can sometimes attempt to fill the ‘void’ with retail therapy and, while it may help to lift the mood in the short term, it can often add to the unhappiness we are feeling.

If you are tempted to overspend this holiday season, here are some suggestions:

1)  Set a budget for each type of spending (gifts, decorations, food, clothing, travel, etc.)
2)  Set a budget for spending on yourself
3)  Shop with a list
4)  Keep an eye on your local paper for holiday-themed events that are no-cost / low-cost
     to keep you 
occupied (and out of the stores)
5)  Look for opportunities to volunteer over the holiday season and discover the joy of giving
     of yourself, 
your time and your caring

Finally, if you are coping with loss or separation this year, set aside some time to remember those you won’t be spending time with and allow yourself to feel the gratitude for all that you shared together.

Then, think about a new tradition you would like to start for the holidays and make this a season of new beginnings.

Are you struggling with how to manage the holidays this year (financially and emotionally)?  Learning new strategies and coping skills can help you rekindle the joy and start the new year with renewed enthusiasm.

If connecting with me for assistance feels right for you, please call me at 705.881.1846 or 1.844.881.1846 or email me at and I would be delighted to speak with you personally.

"I don't need a holiday or a feast to feel grateful for my children, the sun, the moon, the roof over my head, music, and laughter, but I like to take this time to take the path of thanks less traveled." ~ Paula Poundstone

Monday 20 October 2014

Awesome Wealthy Woman Asks “Do You Measure Your Success With Money?”

Many years ago, I was between jobs and answered an ad for what was, essentially, a direct sales position.

After completing an extensive testing session, I was finally admitted to the office of the man who was to interview me for the job.

He flipped through the pages of the test, asking me all sorts of questions - which gave me more of an insight into the way he and his company functioned (not so much interested in personal integrity) than perhaps he gleaned from my answers.

Finally, he paused and looked at me with a furrowed brow and said, “You’ve rated yourself as a success on this question…but you’re not working…how can you call yourself a success?”

I was stunned.

Was his sole definition of success the amount of money someone earned?

What about the contributions I had made to past employers and clients?

What about the community work I had been involved in?

What about the continuing education courses I had pursued?

Did these have no value?

I knew right then that this was NOT the job, nor the company, for me and I left.  I was not prepared to compromise my personal integrity and I knew that my decision was absolutely the right one.  I wasted no time moving on in my job search.

Over the years, I have met many people who define themselves – and their success - solely by the amount of money that they earn.  They are often unhappy with that amount and don’t see how they can change it (if they are working for someone else).

This usually leads to a discussion about the difference between worth and value.

From the moment you are born into this world, you are intrinsically worthy.  You don’t have to “do” anything to be worthy.  

Value is what we offer through the goods and services that we provide, whether to an employer (as one of their employees) or our clients, if we are business owners.

Although you may not receive multiple 6-figures for the value that you contribute, that doesn’t mean that you’re not worthy and it certainly doesn’t mean that you’re not successful.

Money is only one measure of the contribution that we make in the world and our belief about what it says about us is purely subjective.

If you want to understand what truly reflects your level of success in life, ask the people you know how what you do contributes to their lives and the lives of others.

Do you help them accomplish a goal?

Do you help them alleviate pain (emotional, physical and/or spiritual)?

Do you do something which they can’t do for themselves?

Do you help them to grow?

Do you help them to feel better about themselves?

Money is an important factor, but it is not the only indicator of your success. 

The truth is, when you do work and provide service that is in alignment with the highest good for your clients or customers, co-workers and colleagues and yourself, you are a success.

If you want to increase the amount of money you receive, increase the value you deliver first…and the money will follow.

Are you interested in learning more about the difference between worth and value and how these two are manifesting in your life?

If connecting with me for assistance feels right for you, please call me at 705.881.1846 or 1.844.881.1846 or email me at and I would be delighted to speak with you personally.

“Yesterday I was clever.  I wanted to change the world.  Today I am wise.  I am changing myself.” ~ Rumi

Monday 13 October 2014

Awesome Wealthy Woman Recommends the Power of Gratitude

Today is Thanksgiving Day in Canada and I have so much to be grateful for this year.

2014 has rocked my family with health issues ranging from congestive heart failure to breast cancer to Type 2 Diabetes and a misdiagnosis of kidney cancer for me.

Thankfully, we are all still here and recovering from our individual health challenges.

Today, I am grateful for good health.

When life throws you hard balls that knock you flat, it can drain your emotions, your energy, your finances and your will to carry on.

My rock and foundation are the faith I have in my God and His never-wavering care for and protection of me.

No matter how dark things may seem, how hard the challenge, how ill-equipped I might feel to deal with what I’m facing, I return again and again to my favourite Bible verse:

            “For I know the plans I have for you”, declares the Lord,
            “plans to prosper you and not 
to harm you, plans to give
             you hope and a future.” ~ Jeremiah 29:11

Today, I am grateful for my faith.

This year, there have been amazing opportunities to share transformation with clients, colleagues and the many new people who have discovered Awesome Wealthy Woman. 

In January, I presented my first ever 1-day live event, “Awaken the Awesome Wealthy Woman Within” and attracted 23 awesome women who shared the day with me.  A second event in mid-May allowed me to expand my reach and introduce new content to those who attended.

On November 8th, I will run this event for the third and final time in 2014.  There is so much more to share and I am excited to have yet another chance to be the catalyst for transformation.

Today, I am grateful for the opportunity to share with and serve my growing community.

As those of you who read last week’s blog know, my husband and I celebrated our 9th wedding anniversary last Wednesday.  It took a very, very long time to find the perfect partner – and we are partners on ‘Team Smith’ – and we are looking forward to growing old together and making our particular dreams come true.

Today, I am grateful for my beloved husband and our love, which deepens daily.

Abundance and prosperity – and, therefore, wealth – are inextricably tied to the gratitude you feel for everything you already have in your life.

Despite the challenges you may be facing in this moment, there are always things for which you can be grateful.

Many years ago, when I was writing in my Gratitude Journal one evening, I got a phone call from a friend.  When I said I was writing in my Gratitude Journal, she made a derisive sound and said, “Well, I’VE got nothing to be grateful for!”

“Really?!?”, I asked.

“Are you driving your car?” – “Yes”

“Are you breathing?” – “Yes”

“Have you eaten today?” – “Yes”

“Do you have a home to go to tonight?” – “Yes”

“Are you going to work tomorrow?” – “Yes – OK, I get it! I guess I do have a lot to be grateful for.”

Today, I am grateful for all the gifts and blessings in my life – including you!

“Piglet noticed that even though he had a Very Small Heart, it could hold a rather large amount of Gratitude.”  ~ A.A. Milne

Wednesday 8 October 2014

Awesome Wealthy Woman is Celebrating Love (and 9 Years of Marriage)

One of the things that those who are suffering a lack of financial resources often forget is that wealth is about more than just money and the balance in your bank account.

Wealth includes your health and relationships – with yourself, your family, friends, colleagues, clients and especially with your husband/wife/partner.

Even the strongest and most capable person needs the support and encouragement of a loved one…someone who believes in them and helps to lift them up when life presents challenges.

I am blessed to have such a husband in my life and it was 9 years ago today that I had the honour of becoming his bride and equal partner on “Team Smith”, as we like to call ourselves.

We’ve set and met many goals together over our 13 years together – some financial and some in other areas – and I cannot stress enough how important it has been to be working together and sharing the journey with love, humour and mutual respect.

There will always be ebb and flow in our lives - and in our financial situations - and it is essential to have someone who can pick up the slack when you need it and for you to be able to do the same for them.

So today, I offer my gratitude and undying love to my wonderful husband and look forward to sharing many more awesome years together.

Happy Anniversary, my love!

“We make a living by what we get, but we make a life by what we give.” ~ Winston Churchill