Monday 29 September 2014

Awesome Wealthy Woman says, “Money Is Energy”

What’s the first thing that you remember your family telling you about money?

Many small children, after excitedly picking up a nickel or a quarter from the ground, were faced by an angry parent yelling at them to “put that down…it’s dirty…you don’t know where it’s been!”

We started hearing about “filthy lucre” … that money was the root of all evil (actually a misquote – “the love of money is the root of all evil” is the correct quote) … and that rich people take advantage of others – cheat, lie and and demean those without money.

How many of us asked for things we wanted and were told, “No!” … “We can’t afford it” … “Do you think money grows on trees?“ … You don’t deserve…”?

From a very young age, we began to associate negative emotions with money – uncertainty, confusion, anger, guilt etc.

So what is money, really?

Money is a tool we use to represent value when we exchange goods and services.

And … money is energy.

Each of us is an energetic being – our brains communicate with our bodies via electromagnetic impulses.  Everything around us has an energetic frequency, and that includes money.

When you vibrate at the same frequency as “lack”, you attract more lack.

When you are fearful about what is going to happen, you attract more experiences which make you fearful.

When you doubt your ability to have more money, you encounter obstacles to having more money.

When you understand that money vibrates at the same frequencies as gratitude and love, and you raise your personal vibration to those frequencies, you will find that money begins to flow more easily into your life.

If you’ve experienced being “in the flow” – when everything seems to unfold with ease, and you’re happy and excited about what you are doing – you will understand the principle behind the flow of money towards the gratitude and love you are feeling.

No matter what your current money situation is, take a few minutes now to sit quietly, close your eyes and breathe deeply.

Imagine that every breath you take in brings new vitality and abundance into your being and that every breath you exhale is removing old, stale beliefs which keep you stuck in “not enough”.

Breathe in abundance and exhale lack.

Feel your body relax as you keep breathing in and then releasing what no longer serves you.

Imagine what it would feel like to have every financial need met in advance. 

How happy and grateful would you feel?  How much more relaxed?  How much more energy would you have to share with your family, friends and in doing things you really enjoy?

Really experience the feeling of having “more than enough” – feel how your body reacts to this new reality you are projecting.

Remember what this feels like, in every part of your being, and keep breathing in your abundance and releasing what you no longer need.

When you are ready, open your eyes and notice how you feel as you come back to whatever your reality is right now.

Congratulations! … you have just taken your first step to manifesting more.

Remember the feelings you experienced and, every time you start slipping back into the energy of “not enough” … stop … close your eyes and breathe and get back into the energy of “more than enough”.

Each time you do this, you are overriding the old beliefs you have held and writing the new neural pathway that will help you manifest the money you desire.

Stay in the energy of gratitude and love as much as possible and you will begin to attract to you many more things, including money, for which to be grateful.

Making a change like this can feel uncomfortable at first and it takes practice and support in order to become your new way of being.

If connecting with me for assistance feels right for you, please call me at 705.881.1846 or 1.844.881.1846 or email me at and I would be delighted to speak with you personally.

Your present circumstances don't determine where you can go; they merely determine where you start.

~ Nido Qubein

Monday 22 September 2014

Awesome Wealthy Woman says, “Expectation Determines Your Money Outcome”

How did you make out with taming your Money Gremlin?

If you missed last week’s blog, you may wish to read it and follow the four steps first and then come back to this post.

I asked you to take a close look at some things that may not be comfortable for you to come face-to-face with and I applaud you for being courageous enough to at least start examining where that Money Gremlin that’s been haunting you came from.

One of the most important things in changing your financial outlook is to acknowledge what you’ve messed up – without getting into blame or excuses – and commit to doing things differently.

When you make that commitment to yourself, and anyone else your financial life is interconnected with, you take back your power and control.

There is no more “they” looking over your shoulder and passing judgment on how you’re doing things.

There are no more furtive glances behind you (or sticking your head in the sand) and waiting for the next bombshell.

It’s only you and your belief that you can make a positive change in your circumstances, because you’ve taken responsibility for creating a different outcome.

How much freer does that make you feel?

It’s natural for us to focus on what we expect is going to happen…to dwell on it…to expand on all the possible ways something can go wrong.

It’s kind of like when you were a child and had a loose tooth – your tongue would always seek it out and give it a little wiggle, just to check on it.

Your whole focus, then, dwindles down to what you are expecting to happen – and if it’s a negative outcome, you are only amplifying it by focusing all your attention on it.

STOP dwelling on your mistakes, on not having “enough” and beating yourself up.  None of that will improve your finances one bit.

Instead, shift your focus, attention and expectation to a successful resolution to your situation.  Open your mind to the possibilities that you might not have been able to see because you were so focused on the negative.

No matter how constrained your financial circumstances may be, you can still commit to setting aside $1.00 each week, that is to be safely invested for your future. 

I know that this is true because I’ve taught groups of people who were on government assistance and received a very small amount of money to live on each month.  Every one of them agreed that they could (and would) find $1.00 a week to set aside for themselves.

They understood that, even though $52.00 a year might not seem like much to someone else, it was the first rung on the ladder out of their current circumstances and they came to believe that they were worth it.

So are you!

Shift your expectation to being successful in handling your money. 

Actively look for ways to use your money more wisely and seek out others who have travelled the same road you’re on and have come out the other side with a much sounder, and growing, financial foundation.

When you expect the best, you will find that information, resources and people will suddenly appear to help you achieve that expectation.

I am one of those people and I’d be honoured to help you get things back on track and moving in the right direction.

If connecting with me feels right for you, please call me at 705.881.1846 or 1.844.881.1846 or email me at

"Money is only a tool. It will take you wherever you wish but it will not replace you as the driver." ~ Ayn Rand

Monday 15 September 2014

Taming Your Money Gremlin

There’s a nasty little voice that speaks horrible things to you practically every minute of every day.

Those of us who are coaches refer to it as the “gremlin”.

It is not you and yet it holds great power over you because of its constant and unrelenting negative bashing of you, what you do, how you feel and how you think others perceive you.

That gremlin is bad enough, but did you know that it has an evil twin?

That’s right, your Money Gremlin is the one that causes you to lose sleep because you can’t pay the bills in full and on time (“You’re no good” … “You’re such a fraud – if people only knew the truth about you”).

It’s the one that preys upon your weakness for a particular thing (shoes, mani/pedis, expensive meals, etc.) and, once you’ve succumbed and pulled out the credit card to buy
yet another of whatever it is, it’s the one that blasts you for your foolishness.

Pretty nasty stuff … and, it’s abusive. 

That’s right, I said abusive.

We treat ourselves so viciously when it comes to our money faux pas – more so than any disapproving human being.

We then punish ourselves, swear to do better next time and dread the arrival of the next service or credit card bill because we know the funds aren’t there to pay it/them.


Here’s how to win your freedom from your Money Gremlin and to restore peace to your mind, soul and bank account:

First, identify whose voice the Money Gremlin is using – yours? a parent or grandparent? your boss?  your spouse?

Second, ask yourself why you have continued in the same negative money pattern to this point? (You are getting something out of torturing yourself with this vicious circle of events – what is the payoff for you?)

Third, imagine what it would feel like to have more than enough in your account to pay any bill you receive – in full, on time.  Would you feel grateful? Relaxed? Confident?

Fourth, make the commitment to yourself, TODAY, that you are going to clean up your act when it comes to your money. 

I want you to take a piece of paper and pen (don’t use your computer – you need to physically write this down) and write out the following commitment statement:

I, <insert your name here>, do solemnly swear to myself that I begin my new money life today.
I will ask questions to learn what I do not know and get help from those who know how to set me on the path to financial security, freedom and independence.

I will set aside the first 10% of every bit of money that I receive, to be invested to create passive income for me.

Every day, I will:

receive money with gratitudE
spend money with wisdom and
share money with love

I AM an Awesome Wealthy Woman!

Now, date and sign your commitment and post it where you can see it every day.


Remember that change is a process which unfolds over time.  

Please call or email me if you would like help in getting started.

705.881.1846  or  1.844.881.1846

"Remember, we are the masters and money is the servant - it's never the other way around. What you fear the most in life, owns you, controls you, and limits you." ~ John Svalina, Author of Set For Life: Financial Peace of Mind Made Easy

Monday 8 September 2014

What Trips You Up?

There’s a common theme I’ve discovered in the financial lives of many of my women clients – they fear the responsibility of handling money, and more specifically, of making mistakes with the money for which they are responsible.

As children, we are corrected when we make mistakes and that is a natural part of the learning process.  What isn’t natural, however, is the carryover into adulthood that many women suffer from.

I am speaking of the mistaken belief that “someone” or “they” are watching what we are doing and clucking with disapproval when we make mistakes or poor choices with our money.

We end up feeling guilty and ashamed and punish ourselves for not measuring up.

The truth is, there is no bank employee huddled over their computer, watching your transactions with an eagle eye on a daily basis and judging you.

Instead of acknowledging that we are lacking in the necessary training about money, money management, investing, debt and credit, and asking the right questions, we beat ourselves up when we get caught out because of mistakes in choices we’ve made, or the timing of those choices.

The fact is that women are socialized very differently around money, business and success than men are and we’ve been paying that toll for far too long.

How many young girls have struggled with math in school, dropped it as soon as they could, and spent their lives telling themselves that they’re no good at numbers?

Any girl who played with a Teen Talk Barbie doll in the early 1990’s might have heard the phrase “Math class is tough!”  There was such an uproar when this doll was released that Mattel had to recall them, but the damage was already done.

What story have you been telling yourself about math, numbers and money and your ability (or lack thereof) to be successful in working with them?

What fears, guilt and shame have you been punishing yourself with?

Don’t you think it’s time to ask the right questions?  To learn basic money management skills in a way that makes you feel empowered?

When you take control of a situation, learn the necessary skills and practice them until you achieve proficiency, you rise above whatever your past mistakes may have been.

Remember, there are no stupid questions... there are no “wrong” questions and the only questions holding you back are the ones you can’t find the courage to ask.

Forgive yourself…take responsibility…learn what you need to know to succeed, and be proud of your new skills. They will help you establish a solid financial foundation and begin to grow your future wealth.

Please call or email me if you would like help in getting started.

“You can never cross the ocean until you have the courage to lose sight of the shore.” ~ Christopher Columbus

Monday 1 September 2014

A Different Take On Labour Day and Prosperity

Happy Labour Day!!

Are you working today? 

Are you bemoaning the fact that Labour Day is traditionally viewed as the end of summer? 

Are you spending a last day with family before the kids return to school?

A little review of history shows that the first Labor Day in North America was celebrated as
far back as the late 1800’s, and it actually had its origins in the “Eight Hour Day” (or 40-hour week) movement.

That movement proposed that every 24-hour workday be split into three 8-hour segments
 - 8 hours for work, 8 hours for recreation and 8 hours for rest.

Now, I don’t know about you, but most of my days aren’t that evenly split.  In fact, there have been days when I didn’t remember what the word ‘recreation’ meant, and it’s worth drilling down on that as well…

Recreation can be defined as ‘refreshment of health or spirits by relaxation and enjoyment’.
It is, literally, a pause in the regular routine of activities in order to re-create ourselves and maintain balance and good health.

Whether you’re an employee or entrepreneur, I doubt that you are able to live the balanced life the Eight Hour Day movement envisioned on a consistent basis.  Work demands are higher than ever, with fewer employees being called on to produce an ever-increasing
volume of work.

We are stressed out, overwhelmed, racing the clock, under the deadline and then we hit
the wall - sometimes, literally!  Short-term and long-term disability figures are rising and
stress-based illnesses are more and more often the reason for prolonged absences from work.

Our culture seems to demand more…more…MORE!! from us and we feel less and less
well-equipped to deliver.

Our obsession with ‘MORE’ has clouded our understanding of what prosperity is.  Too often, when you ask someone why they are killing themselves with work to get “x” and why they want “x” anyway, they can’t give you a solid reason. 

The media made them want it, their next-door neighbour or boss has it so they think they should want and have it too…

…But what do they really want?

What do YOU really want?

Work is important because it provides service to others, for which they pay us.  Our revenues allow us to pursue the life that we deem appropriate for us and for our families. 

How we generate, and use, these revenues has a huge impact on our health and wellbeing.

Is it prosperity to have large sums on account but such poor health that we can’t get out of bed to enjoy the fruits of our labours?

Is it prosperity to be so devoted to work that you end up divorced…estranged from your children and alone?

Is it prosperity to have the latest technological gadgets, big home, cars, boats, or other playthings, only to lose them to repossession when you can’t keep up the payments?

Remember that ‘prosperity’ is ‘a successful, flourishing or thriving condition’ – and that means in every aspect of your life.

Ensure that you also have prosperity in your relationships, in your health, in your intellectual, spiritual and self-development pursuits.

Allow time for creativity, joy and fun – these are also necessary for your ultimate prosperity.

At the end of the day, we are not our bank accounts.  We are the sum of every moment of every day and how well we have lived them.

This Labour Day, please take a moment and look at how your days are divided. 

You may never achieve the perfect 8-8-8 that the Eight Hour Day movement envisioned,
but you can decide to bring more balance into your life and so be able to enjoy your true prosperity longer.

Wishing you health and wealth!

"Wealth is the ability to fully experience life." ~ Henry David Thoreau