Monday 29 September 2014

Awesome Wealthy Woman says, “Money Is Energy”

What’s the first thing that you remember your family telling you about money?

Many small children, after excitedly picking up a nickel or a quarter from the ground, were faced by an angry parent yelling at them to “put that down…it’s dirty…you don’t know where it’s been!”

We started hearing about “filthy lucre” … that money was the root of all evil (actually a misquote – “the love of money is the root of all evil” is the correct quote) … and that rich people take advantage of others – cheat, lie and and demean those without money.

How many of us asked for things we wanted and were told, “No!” … “We can’t afford it” … “Do you think money grows on trees?“ … You don’t deserve…”?

From a very young age, we began to associate negative emotions with money – uncertainty, confusion, anger, guilt etc.

So what is money, really?

Money is a tool we use to represent value when we exchange goods and services.

And … money is energy.

Each of us is an energetic being – our brains communicate with our bodies via electromagnetic impulses.  Everything around us has an energetic frequency, and that includes money.

When you vibrate at the same frequency as “lack”, you attract more lack.

When you are fearful about what is going to happen, you attract more experiences which make you fearful.

When you doubt your ability to have more money, you encounter obstacles to having more money.

When you understand that money vibrates at the same frequencies as gratitude and love, and you raise your personal vibration to those frequencies, you will find that money begins to flow more easily into your life.

If you’ve experienced being “in the flow” – when everything seems to unfold with ease, and you’re happy and excited about what you are doing – you will understand the principle behind the flow of money towards the gratitude and love you are feeling.

No matter what your current money situation is, take a few minutes now to sit quietly, close your eyes and breathe deeply.

Imagine that every breath you take in brings new vitality and abundance into your being and that every breath you exhale is removing old, stale beliefs which keep you stuck in “not enough”.

Breathe in abundance and exhale lack.

Feel your body relax as you keep breathing in and then releasing what no longer serves you.

Imagine what it would feel like to have every financial need met in advance. 

How happy and grateful would you feel?  How much more relaxed?  How much more energy would you have to share with your family, friends and in doing things you really enjoy?

Really experience the feeling of having “more than enough” – feel how your body reacts to this new reality you are projecting.

Remember what this feels like, in every part of your being, and keep breathing in your abundance and releasing what you no longer need.

When you are ready, open your eyes and notice how you feel as you come back to whatever your reality is right now.

Congratulations! … you have just taken your first step to manifesting more.

Remember the feelings you experienced and, every time you start slipping back into the energy of “not enough” … stop … close your eyes and breathe and get back into the energy of “more than enough”.

Each time you do this, you are overriding the old beliefs you have held and writing the new neural pathway that will help you manifest the money you desire.

Stay in the energy of gratitude and love as much as possible and you will begin to attract to you many more things, including money, for which to be grateful.

Making a change like this can feel uncomfortable at first and it takes practice and support in order to become your new way of being.

If connecting with me for assistance feels right for you, please call me at 705.881.1846 or 1.844.881.1846 or email me at and I would be delighted to speak with you personally.

Your present circumstances don't determine where you can go; they merely determine where you start.

~ Nido Qubein

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