Monday 22 September 2014

Awesome Wealthy Woman says, “Expectation Determines Your Money Outcome”

How did you make out with taming your Money Gremlin?

If you missed last week’s blog, you may wish to read it and follow the four steps first and then come back to this post.

I asked you to take a close look at some things that may not be comfortable for you to come face-to-face with and I applaud you for being courageous enough to at least start examining where that Money Gremlin that’s been haunting you came from.

One of the most important things in changing your financial outlook is to acknowledge what you’ve messed up – without getting into blame or excuses – and commit to doing things differently.

When you make that commitment to yourself, and anyone else your financial life is interconnected with, you take back your power and control.

There is no more “they” looking over your shoulder and passing judgment on how you’re doing things.

There are no more furtive glances behind you (or sticking your head in the sand) and waiting for the next bombshell.

It’s only you and your belief that you can make a positive change in your circumstances, because you’ve taken responsibility for creating a different outcome.

How much freer does that make you feel?

It’s natural for us to focus on what we expect is going to happen…to dwell on it…to expand on all the possible ways something can go wrong.

It’s kind of like when you were a child and had a loose tooth – your tongue would always seek it out and give it a little wiggle, just to check on it.

Your whole focus, then, dwindles down to what you are expecting to happen – and if it’s a negative outcome, you are only amplifying it by focusing all your attention on it.

STOP dwelling on your mistakes, on not having “enough” and beating yourself up.  None of that will improve your finances one bit.

Instead, shift your focus, attention and expectation to a successful resolution to your situation.  Open your mind to the possibilities that you might not have been able to see because you were so focused on the negative.

No matter how constrained your financial circumstances may be, you can still commit to setting aside $1.00 each week, that is to be safely invested for your future. 

I know that this is true because I’ve taught groups of people who were on government assistance and received a very small amount of money to live on each month.  Every one of them agreed that they could (and would) find $1.00 a week to set aside for themselves.

They understood that, even though $52.00 a year might not seem like much to someone else, it was the first rung on the ladder out of their current circumstances and they came to believe that they were worth it.

So are you!

Shift your expectation to being successful in handling your money. 

Actively look for ways to use your money more wisely and seek out others who have travelled the same road you’re on and have come out the other side with a much sounder, and growing, financial foundation.

When you expect the best, you will find that information, resources and people will suddenly appear to help you achieve that expectation.

I am one of those people and I’d be honoured to help you get things back on track and moving in the right direction.

If connecting with me feels right for you, please call me at 705.881.1846 or 1.844.881.1846 or email me at

"Money is only a tool. It will take you wherever you wish but it will not replace you as the driver." ~ Ayn Rand

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