Monday 24 November 2014

Awesome Wealthy Woman Shows You How To Re-Define Abundance

Most of us think of abundance as “plenty” and that is certainly what we celebrate at Thanksgiving (whether in October in Canada or this week in the U.S.).

We think of the traditional Thanksgiving feast … the plump turkey, the steaming side dishes, the pumpkin pie and/or other seasonal desserts … and the gathering of family and friends.

The image of a cornucopia comes to mind – all the fresh vegetables, newly harvested and ready to be put up for the winter to come, spilling out of the ‘horn of plenty’.

And then there is the modern day fixation on “Black Friday” sales, and shopping, and dashing from store to store and grabbing the last one of [insert latest must-have craze here] and spending, spending, spending until the wallet’s empty and the credit cards are maxed out.

In the U.S., Thanksgiving is often considered by retailers to be bigger than Christmas, in terms of their sales.  They are grateful for the spending frenzy that happens but what about us?  What about our ability to step back and consider what our true abundance looks like?

When I was a child, time with my parents was a precious commodity.  They both worked and there was a brief period between their return home from work, eating dinner, finishing homework and my sister and I getting ready for bed where I could actually have some of their undivided attention.

When I was responsible for arranging a Christmas party for three departments which worked together, I suggested that – instead of the traditional ‘Secret Santa’ gift exchange – we each bring an unwrapped new toy or item that an adult would appreciate to put under the tree.

Our Santa happily received gifts of food, toys and clothing and put them under our tree, instead of handing out less-than-meaningful gifts to people who really didn’t care about them.

One of our staff was a single mother who was struggling to make ends meet and yet, even she came with something for Santa to put under the tree. Her generosity in a time of need in her own life touched us all.

There are many people who are struggling in their lives right now and their focus is firmly fixed on the struggle.

What would happen if they were able to shift their focus to what they do have, instead of what is lacking?

What would happen if you chose to look at the incredible abundance which surrounds you and truly feel gratitude for the time, attention, sharing, compassion and love that is there for you?

This year, be abundant in sharing yourself and enjoy the gifts of the sharing that others will offer to you.

A family friend always wishes us, “Have a blessed day” when we part company.

Now, and always, I wish you a blessed day – every day – and a life filled with true abundance.

If you are struggling with seeing abundance in your life, I am here to help you.

If connecting with me for assistance feels right for you, please call me at 705.881.1846 or 1.844.881.1846 or email me at and I would be delighted to speak with you personally.

“Concerning abundance, one of the most effective ways to increase that pulling power from intention to you is to take the focus off dollars and place it on creating abundant friendship, security, happiness, health, and high energy.” ~ Dr. Wayne Dyer

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