Monday 3 November 2014

Awesome Wealthy Woman Says “Fall In Love With Your Money”

There is a question I often ask when I am speaking to a group of people:

“If money were your lover…would you still be having sex?”

The responses to this question – physical and verbal – offer an enormous insight into what is happening in the person’s financial life.

The responses have ranged from a somewhat joking, “No…I’ve got a headache” to the extreme reaction of a client who, when I posed the question, immediately went into a defensive posture.

Their shoulders shot up under their ears…their arms were crossed tightly across their chest and their brow was deeply furrowed.

“Oh no…” the voice was constrained and I could hear the pain in their words.

This was the most dramatic demonstration of the kind of dysfunctional relationship many people have with their money.

When I probed more deeply into this person’s money history, they confessed to feeling fear about money and wanting to run away from it.  They didn’t want to have anything to do with it.

I then posed the question, “If money was a person, and you treated them the way you have just reacted, do you think they would want to stay and spend time with you?”

“No…I guess not”, was the quiet answer.

Whether you realize it or not, you have a relationship with your money and, if you don’t have enough of it in your life, there’s a very good chance that you have created a dysfunctional relationship with it.

So I ask my clients what their relationship with money is like…

….do they cross the street and hurry to get away from it?
…do they have a nodding acquaintance with it?
…are they happy to see it?
…are they actively welcoming and inviting more money into their lives?

What about you? 

What is your relationship with your money?

Today, I challenge you to look within – with open eyes, mind and heart – and see what the truth of your relationship with money truly is.

Are you uncomfortable just thinking about it? 

Where in your body do you feel this discomfort?

What if you allowed yourself to have a different kind of relationship with money? 

One that didn’t entail struggle or hardship?  One that didn’t mean you had to put off doing what you really feel called to do in favor of getting a regular pay cheque every two weeks?

What if you could change your relationship to that of a partnership?

What if you and money could be co-creators of the life you really want to live?

How would things be different for you if you started living from that belief?

You have the power to change this extremely important relationship from one of disconnect to one of joy, excitement, purpose and abundance.

For the next  week, try thinking of your money in this new way.  Be grateful for every bit of money that you receive – no matter how small – and celebrate its arrival in your life!

I urge my clients to keep a Money Calendar so they can record everything that comes to them.

If you would like a copy of the Money Calendar that I use, please email me at with your name and email address and write “Money Calendar” in the subject line.

If connecting with me for assistance in shifting your money relationship feels right for you, please call me at 705.881.1846 or 1.844.881.1846 or email me at and I would be delighted to speak with you personally.

“Be thankful for what you have, you’ll end up having more. If you concentrate on what you don’t have, you’ll never have enough.” ~ Oprah Winfrey

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