Monday 18 August 2014

Dial In Your Abundance Frequency

What frequency are you tuned into - Abundance? or Lack? 

We often hear people refer to the “WII-FM” (what’s in it for me) focus of others, but forget that WE also tend to take that approach to everything and everyone in our lives – at least, to some extent.

We seek out people, things and experiences which make us feel good about ourselves and use them to lift us up when we are feeling less than loving towards our inner Self.

The Law of Attraction is working all the time and you are creating the world you are experiencing as a result. 

But there’s a problem when you talk to most people about what they are manifesting in their lives. 

They aren’t very happy with the reality they are living and so they say that the Law of Attraction isn’t working, or doesn’t work for them and they fall deeper into negativity.

We forget that, when we’re feeling that way, we are sliding down the vibrational scale to very low-frequency emotional states.  

And, we forget that we can’t expect to attract the glorious riches, travel, homes, cars, perfect soulmate, etc. that we desire when we’re operating from that place of fear, desperation, anxiety, frustration….(you get the idea!).

It’s not really your fault.  We’ve heard conflicting things – “Opposites attract”  “What you focus on grows”   “Birds of a feather flock together”   “Like attracts like”  and more.

So let me make this easier for you:  Your emotions drive your thoughts, your thoughts drive your actions and your actions create your outcomes.

If you are focused on how badly you’ve been treated by someone, whether personally or in business, you are stuck in that low-frequency negative energy. 

And because what you focus on grows, the angrier you get about being treated badly, the more likely you are to experience being treated badly by someone else (we all know that misery likes company). 

On the other hand, if you are filled with happiness or contentment, are positive in your outlook and expect great things to happen for you, that is exactly what will happen.  “Aha!”, you think to yourself, “that Law of Attraction stuff really does work for me.”

Now do you see how this is driving your experience of abundance … or lack thereof?

Keep checking in with yourself today and, when you find that you're thinking about, or focusing on, lack in some area of your life (especially your money), immediately change that dial to the frequency of Abundance.

"How??" you ask ... "It's easy", I reply.  "By expressing Gratitude for all the Abundance you already have in your life.

Remember, what you focus on will always magnify and attract more of the same.  When you're grateful, you attract more for which to BE grateful.

Go on...give it a CAN do it!  And you just might surprise yourself with what incredible Abundance you can create in your life today.

"Abundance is not something we acquire. It is something we tune into." ~ Wayne Dyer

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